
“Bradley Feig has helped me overcome my social anxiety at work and in my personal life. After seeing him for a period of two months, I was better able to assert myself at my job, and attain the skills necessary to form lasting friendships with both men and women. I’ve seen other therapists in my life, but none of them have come close to changing my behavior and allowing me to move forward and achieve my personal goals.”

- David P., Long Island, NY

“My son started off seeing a therapist through the Early Intervention program. However, after 6 months of service, the occupational therapist, the speech therapist, and the ABA teacher were unable to get my son to talk, eat, or sleep throughout the night. After receiving therapy with Bradley Feig, my son was sleeping through the night, generating language, and eating appropriately. We are so grateful that Bradley was able to become part of our family, to help change our child’s life. Thank you so much!”

- Jennifer S., Long Island NY

“My husband and I were desperate to help our 7 year old daughter. She had received speech therapy through our private insurance since the age of 2. Now at 7, she was struggling with academic and behavioral issues in school and at home. Doing homework was a nightmare. I dreaded her coming home from school. Our neurologist put us in touch with Bradley Feig. He came to our home, and set a plan in place. He treated her both at school and in our home. The changes have been miraculous. Our once difficult daughter has been transformed into an easy going, happy child. We cannot say enough good things about Bradley.”

- Melissa and Mike G., NYC